Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just Playing Around....

at a really cool park in Boerne. So life in Boerne is so so, I have my days where I love this place, its fun we see ducks and deers (and momma promises that more pics will come of those sightings) and then there are the days where my home is in Seguin at Popo and Lea's house and that is where I belong. (Mommas hoping that some of her blogger friends might help give her ideas to help with those days)
But all in all school is ok, I think I have learned most of this stuff thanks to Mrs. Irma, Mrs. Dottie, Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Janz, and of course Mrs. LeClaire. I'm hoping things will get better there.
There is a parade this weekend and we are gonna go see it I'm so excited for it!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Aw I'm sure things will get easier. I know how it is to be far away from family. Phone calls helped my kids not feel so disconnected. So did frequent least you're near enough to make weekend visits. Moving is hard on kiddos. My kids still miss thier home in Houston and we've been gone for a year. I know it will get easier for you guys, once ya'll settle into a routine.