Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So Sorry

Momma says she very sorry for not posting lately she has been busy, at work and at home..

Momma dropped a big bomb on me this weekend, she told me we were going to move to Boerne (Boernes as I call it). She said she got a new job, so she won't be working with my best friend Cole's momma anymore. She says we are going to move November 1st! I am excited though cause she says that I can help move and can help cook! Although I don't really like the idea of going to a new school.

1 comment:

Kim said...

aw well congrats on mommy getting a new job! moving is tough...but you seem like a strong little guy. you'll get to make plenty of friends at your new school!!

ps- tell mom to stop by my page cause i tagged her!!!